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Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Guru Tahun 2023 yang Singkat dan Mudah Dihapal

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Guru
Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Guru. Dok. Gurupenyemangat.com

Happy Teachers' Day 2023!

Hai Sobat Guru Penyemangat, agaknya diriku yakin bahkan beberapa hari ini kalian sedang sibuk, kan?

Sibuk apa sih, Min? Kesibukan apa lagi kalau bukan sedang mempersiapkan kegiatan peringatan Hari Guru Nasional.

Sesaat lagi 25 November bakal menyapa, dan Hari Guru Nasional sudah memasuki usia ke-76 tahun dalam perayaannya. Pun demikian dengan HUT PGRI.

Hari Guru Nasional dihadirkan pemerintah tiada lain tiada bukan hanya untuk mengapresiasi kinerja guru, membahagiakan mereka, mendoakan, hingga memperjuangkan hak-hak para guru.

Pada situasi di lapangan, kenyataannya banyak cara yang bisa kita kerjakan untuk mengapresiasi para pendidik sekaligus pengajar di Bumi Pertiwi.

Kita bisa menghadiakan pembacaan puisi untuk guru, ikut meramaikan media sosial dengan kata-kata mutiara yang berisi doa untuk mereka, hingga menyampaikan pidato semangat.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, Gurupenyemangat.com telah menyiapkan contoh naskah pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Guru yang singkat dan mudah dihapal.

Judul pidatonya? My Teacher My Inspiration.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Guru: My Teacher My Inspiration

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Guru My Teacher My Inspiration
Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Guru My Teacher My Inspiration. Dok. Gurupenyemangat.com

Assalamu’alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

Good morning and I wish a happiness to all of us
The Honorable to the Head Master of Elementary/Junior high/Senior High School 
The Honorable all of the teachers of Elementary/Junior high/Senior High School
And my beloved friends.

All praises due to Allah, the lord of all that exist, where we could ask anything for the sake of this world and hereafter. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad SAW, the messenger of Allah, and his family and companions and all who follow them in righteousness until the day of judgement.

Where do we usually get the inspiration? If there is a question, then there will be various answers. Some say that inspiration often comes from successful people such as the president, the richest person in the world, to the founder of Facebook named Mark Zuckerberg

Those are right, nothing is wrong however, we should not forget that there is another person who introduced us to all of this. Regarding the names of the presidents, the same goes for the founders of Facebook or other digital applications.

Who is that figure? 

Boleh Baca: Contoh Pidato Hari Guru Nasional, Apresiasilah Perjuangan Guru di Masa Pandemi

There is no one else but Teacher. Thus, indirectly, the teacher is an educator figure as well as an inspirational teacher who gives us inspiration.  

My beloved friends;

For just a moment, Let's try to remember the atmosphere of the class. When one of us is stuck in thought, the teacher often greets us with enthusiasm while opening the horizons of thinking. 

From there, our knowledge continues to grow, our skills are honed, and our manner is more organized.

Teacher is a simple figure with many more inspirations. So, it is not wrong to say that my teacher is my inspiration. 

Sometimes we don't have to go all the way across the Antarctic Ocean looking for an inspirational figure, because right now, in this very second, that figure is already in front of our eyes, or beside us. From teachers, we know how to behave and learn.  That we have to be polite, and that learning must be enthusiastic. 

Teachers rarely complain. So how weak we as students complain a little because of the difficulties. Teachers never admit to being tired in front of us, so why if we are faced with difficult questions, then we choose to be reluctant to finish it. 

My beloved friends;

From teachers we can learn many things about life.  However, there is one thing that we must not forget or even put aside. What's that?

Be a student who always raises manner towards the teacher.  Respect them, be polite to them, and be kind to all teachers. 

You see, it is because of the teacher that the path of our success will be opened.  Maybe not today, but in the future all dreams and hopes can turn into certainty.  

Dear teachers and friends,

That's the speech I can deliver on this occasion.  Hopefully it can gain benefits and I am so sorry for all the mistakes. 

Wassalamu’alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

Translated by Ripah.


Min, terjemahannya mana, sih, Min? Hehe. Untuk terjemahan pidato di atas, silakan kunjungi teks pidato Bahasa Indonesianya di: Teks Pidato Bahasa Indonesia Tentang Guruku Inspirasiku

Oke, Selamat Menyambut Hari Guru Nasional Tahun 2023, ya. Semoga gorengan ucapan di atas bisa memberi manfaat bagi kita semua.


Guru Penyemangat
Guru Penyemangat Guru Profesional, Guru Penggerak, Blogger, Public Speaker, Motivator & Juragan Emas.

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