Islamic New Year Greetings Messages, Quotes, and Wishes With Images
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Islamic New Year Greetings Messages, Quotes, And Wishes. Dok. |
Hi, Friend, congratulations on welcoming the Islamic New Year 1445 Hijri. Thank God. The year has changed, so the spirit of self-improvement also needs to be addressed.
Today's spirit is no longer just a word or a promise, today's spirit is about moving to become a better person.
Muharram is a glorious month, and the Islamic New Year is a very good momentum for us Muslims to introspect themselves, evaluate, and establish resolutions in matters of worship to Allah.
As a self-encouragement, here is presented an Islamic New Year greeting card, complete with quotes, hopes, and heartfelt prayers.
Let's take a look at it:
Happy Islamic New Year Quotes
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Happy Islamic New Year Quotes. Dok. |
1. Happy Islamic New Year 1445 Hijri. New year new spirit, spirit emigration towards a more devout person.
2. Happy Islamic New Year 1445 Hijri. Let's give thanks to God, and educate ourselves and complain.
3. The Islamic new year has arrived. Now is the time for us to evaluate and improve ourselves.
4. Congratulations 1 Muharram 1445 Hijri. Let's welcome the new year with a new spirit, with a high spirit for godly charity.
5. Being a better person every day is the form of a Muslim who is intelligent and can reap the meaning of the Islamic New Year.
6. What is the meaning of speech if it is not interpreted, and what is the meaning of quotation if it is not impregnated. Happy Islamic New Year 1445 Hijri. Let us thank God for this costly health favor and opportunity.
7. Muharram has arrived and now I am back to learning about time. It's not about how to calculate time, but rather about the rapid passage of time. And I'm among the losers.
8. No matter how big the mistake is, please forgive it, because everyone has the right to make corrections. Welcome to the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram.
9. Happy Islamic New Year! Hopefully, the days we go through in the future will be filled with blessings.
10. Happy Islamic New Year. Do not forget to be grateful for a better and more rewarding life.
Islamic New Year Wishes
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Islamic New Year Wishes. Dok. |
1. Happy Islamic New Year! May the prayers we chant soon be granted by Allah Almighty.
2. Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1445 H. May the days we live in the future will be decorated with blessings and spaciousness of sustenance.
3. The Islamic New Year has arrived. May my hijra this year be lillahi ta'ala.
4. Happy Islamic New Year. May Allah give us the strength of heart and energy to earnestly reach His blessings.
5. Do not forget to be grateful, because with gratitude the heart will be about. When the heart is calm, we will focus more on worship and reaching for takwa.
6. Happy New Year Hijra! Hopefully this year is better than ever. Hopefully, I can also become a better person and have a noble character.
7. The Islamic New Year has arrived. May I be more obedient to Allah, more in love with the Rasulullah SAW, and more eager to change into a better person.
8. The years have changed and time has passed. I may have many regrets, but may Allah forgive my past sins and mistakes.
9. The day has changed and a new spirit has begun to grow. Hopefully, this turn of the year will make me more aware of the importance of worship and pious charity.
10. Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1445 Hijri. May Allah ease our footsteps in trying, and God draw us closer to heaven.
Next Post: Rhymes of Islamic New Year Greetings
Islamic New Year Greetings Messages
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Islamic New Year Greetings Messages. Dok. |
1. Happy Islamic New Year. Let's increase gratitude and never feel tired of praying. Because the greatest weapon of a Muslim is prayer that pierces the sky.
2. New year new spirit, new year let's reduce sinful deeds. O Allah is the most repellent of the human heart, be steadfast in our hearts to continue to worship Thee.
3. Muharram is the beginning month, while we are the people of the last days. May Allah ease our struggle to achieve piety, may Allah accept every good deed we do.
4. Happy Islamic New Year. May from this day on I be more sincere in doing, more sincere in worship, and more serious in pursuing the blessings of God.
5. There is nothing worst except wasting time and doing unhelpful work. May Allah open the door of our hearts to always emigrate and draw near to Him.
6. Muharram has arrived. Muharram is the month of Allah. Let us interpret Muharram with the spirit of hijra and we learn its messages of kindness.
7. O God, ease my footsteps to keep walking closer to Thee. Truly I am among those who are devout and always persecute myself.
8. Let's keep our hearts, keep our faith, and take care of ourselves. May every effort we make today be recorded as good on god's side. Happy Islamic New Year.
9. Beautiful practice begins with a beautiful heart. Soften the heart with beautiful speech. The month of Muharram is indeed full of blessings. Let us welcome the Hijri New Year 1445 H.
10. The best celebration during the new year is not with fireworks, but rather self-introspection and begging for His forgiveness. Happy Islamic New Year 1445 H.
Such is the presentation of the Encouraging Master about the collection of quotes of the Islamic New Year greetings 1 Muharram 1445 Hijri complete with messages and hopes touching the heart.
Hopefully useful,
Happy Islamic Year 1445 H!
Next Post: Islamic New Year quotes Touch the Heart
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